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This CD ROM has exciting features and is an improvement on any other Bible codes search program available, with a host of Bible study aids. The advanced.... Bible Study Software for Windows PC & MAC with Reference Commentaries ... in your own text - Bible Code Movie Clip - a presentation of the Code theory.. Description. Keys to the Bible: Bible Code Software. by Computronic Israel Corporation. Here are Bible Codes & more in the latest updated version of The Keys.... The Most Advanced and best rated Bible Codes program ever. Includes all the features you need and it will help OPEN YOUR EYES to the word of G-d and give.... The Bible code also known as the Torah code, is a purported set of encoded words hidden ... Rips and Witztum designed computer software for the ELS technique and subsequently found many examples. ... Witztum also claimed that, upon interviewing a key independent expert contracted by McKay for the MBBK paper,.... Bible Code Software eShop Average Yahoo merchant rating 4.5 stars out of 5. Our programs operate on: Win95, 98, ME,2000, XP,Windows 7, Window Vista,.... This is the world's #2 ranked codes program, just behind CodeFinder; but with lots of unique and helpful Bible study aids. Available here only as a download (.... Bible chronology; automatically going to the Torah portion of the week; the 613 Torah commandments of Maimonides keyed to the biblical text; verse by verse...
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